I'm so sorry I've been a bit MIA for the past few days, its been a mixture of stuff really, partly because my computer is still playing silly games and hubby desperately tryng to sort it out for me and partly because I overdid things last week painting my lounge and had to pay the consequences! (I have CFS) so apologies if you've been trying to get me. I think I'm back on track with most things now though! (just holler if you disagree!).
I have, as promised, just launched some new products in my store including a brilliant Baby's First Christmas kit, perfect for any new Mummies and Daddies or Grandma's and Grandad's out there!
I have also launched a new range of kits of which there will be many many more to come very soon...'ickle kits' the idea is a mini kit which encompasses everything you need to make a page, or several co-ordinating pages for a mini album...at a brilliant ickle price of only $1.99, perfect for those empty purses at this time of year!! You get 5 elements and 5 papers....why not go take a look, I've uploaded 4 already!
Here's a sneeky peek to give you the idea...

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