Saturday, 3 October 2009

Calling All Designers - Blog Train Sign Up!

Hi everyone,

I feel the inspiration to do a blog train so here goes:

If you like the sound of it and would like to join me please email me your interest at and then email me your link to your part and your preview (600 pls) by the w/c mon 26th october at the latest in order to actually start the blog train on Mon 2nd November...MY BIRTHDAY! YAY!

You can make your contribution whatever size you want, full kit, mini, alpha, elements only, papers only...whatever!

The title is:'Waiting for Santa' and the theme is Christmas (never! LOL!) but think back to the Christmas of your childhood, the non commercialised Christmas, family Christmas, tradition, the anticipation you felt as a child before you 'found out'!

Here's the thing... there is no colour palette...because its a CU blog train! so you can make stuff either Greyscale or whatever colours you want. You can do overlays, styles, textures, doodles, elements, papers, fonts, alpha's or even a full sized kit but it has to be Commercial use OK.

I just thought I'd never seen a CU blog train before and it would be great to have a load of CU Christmas stuff available the month before Christmas.I'm going to advertise this far and wide including Yahoo groups, DST, facebook etc, please feel free to do the same and lets see if we can get loads of designers signed up for it.

OK so here goes, who's up for it?


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